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UN Multiparty Dialogue Report on Human Rights

This is the report from the fourth multiparty dialogue workshop, designed by UNAMI's Office of Constitutional Support (OCS) to assist its Iraqi counterparts in the phase prior to the initiation of the constitutional review and implementation process. The meeting focused on the issues to be considered in the application, enforcement and possible reformulations of the Iraqi Bill of Rights. The discussions included the topics of the protection of rights: limitation on the exercise of rights and state of emergency, civil and political rights, right to due process, women’s rights, minorities’ rights, economic and social rights. Are annexed the Final Statement, Agenda and Draft Concept Paper for the meeting. 

Keywords  Rights/Protection/Freedoms,  Human Rights,  Bill of Rights,  Women’s Rights,  Gender,  Equality,  Religion,  Religious Law,  Islamic/Sharia Law,  Islamic Law,  Minority/Minorities,  Socio-economic Rights,  Limitation Clauses,  State of Emergency,  Restrictions on National Office or Civil Service,  UNAMI,  Special Political Missions/SPMs
Country / Territory  Iraq