This section contains UN guidance material for setting up and managing mediation initiatives. The material provides practitioners with practical advice and options in addressing some of the key challenges in mediation to maximize the chances for success.

United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation

  • United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation

    July, 2012 | Author: United Nations

    The Secretary General developed the United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation in response to a request from the General Assembly (A/RES/65/283). The Guidance identifies a number of key fundamentals that should be considered in mediation processes: preparedness; consent; impartiality; inclusivity; national ownership; international law and normative frameworks; coherence; coordination and complementarity of the mediation effort; and quality peace agreements. The Guidance explains each fundamental, outlines some potential challenges and dilemmas facing mediators and offers some guidance.

    *The Department of Political Affairs is disseminating the document widely and welcomes, among other steps, its translation into languages other than the six official languages of the United Nations. Some Member States have already taken the initiative of translating the Guidance in Finnish, Slovene and in Turkish.

    • The UN Guidance for Effective Mediation > Read More

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    March, 2017 | Author: United Nations Department of Political Affairs

    This UN DPA guidance seeks to inform mediators and their teams, as well as conflict parties, about the principles and strategies for the effective inclusion of women, as well as a gendered perspective, in mediation processes. The guidance addresses mediation preparation, process design, and substantive issues including security arrangements, participation, constitutions, language and the implementation of peace agreements through a gender lens.

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    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    The Guidance is designed to support United Nations senior leader- ship and staff, mediators, and facilitators within and outside the UN, along with their teams, conflict parties, representatives of States and regional organizations, national and international non-governmen- tal organizations, women’s groups and other stakeholders in peace processes.

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    May, 2024 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and Build Up

    A critical and evolving aspect of contemporary conflict mediation is the impact of social media on conflict dynamics and the mediation process. Mediators are beginning to address this impact through standalone social media agreements, pre-process codes of conduct, or the inclusion of specific social media clauses in broader ceasefire or peace agreements. This brief aims to address the as yet understudied challenge of how to implement and monitor social media provisions in peace agreements.

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    October, 2023 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    This practice note, a DPPA-OHCHR collaboration, delves into practical strategies and real-world examples to help mediators and human rights practitioners weave human rights principles and considerations into their work in general and in every step of mediation efforts specifically. The note shows that human rights offer practical solutions to many of the challenging issues that mediators try to address.

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    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    Climate change effects are felt in every corner of the world and can affect conflicts in different ways. They can be a source of conflict, a multiplier of existing risks, or an opportunity for manipulation by conflict parties. Building on DPPA’s broader efforts to address the complex linkages between climate, peace and security, this note aims to provide guidance to mediation practitioners operating in climate exposed and fragile contexts. It explores the opportunities and challenges of incorporating climate change considerations into peace processes and presents concrete measures to be taken.

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    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

    This Practice Note outlines circumstances under which more direct involvement with local conflicts and mediation processes might be strategically relevant for United Nations mediators working on national political processes.

  • Natural Resources and Conflict: A Guide for Mediation Practitioners

    February, 2015 | Author: United Nations Department of Political Affairs and United Nations Environment Programme

    The guide aims to inform mediators and stakeholders addressing conflicts over natural resources - whether those disagreements are violent, have the potential to turn violent, or are part of a larger political struggle, including within a peace process. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts.

  • Guidance for Mediators: Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ceasefire and Peace Agreements

    January, 2012 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    The United Nations requires its mediators to address conflict-related sexual violence. This guidance offers mediators and their teams principles and strategies for including this critical peacebuilding and security concern in ceasefire and peace agreements.

  • Mediation Start-up Guidelines

    September, 2011 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    The DPA Mediation Start-up Guidelines seek to provide guidance to managers, desk officers and field staff of the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA) on the start-up and establishment of mediation initiatives led, co-led or supported by the United Nations. Their purpose is to consolidate DPA’s institutional knowledge on strategy development, planning, support and coordination aspects of mediation initiatives.

  • Special Political Missions (SPMs) Start-up Guide

    June, 2012 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    The Special political missions (SPMs) Start-up Guide provides essential information and guidance on the substantive and administrative tasks that need to be carried out to establish a field-based SPM, such as mission planning, communication, budget processes, human resources, logistics, security and legal issues. It is an essential document for all DPA staff, and for DPA desk officers and senior managers tasked to support the establishment of an SPM in particular.

  • A Manual for UN Mediators: Advice from UN Representatives

    June, 2010 | Author: United Nations (UN Institute for Training and Research, Department of Political Affairs)

    The main purpose of this manual is to familiarize new UN mediators with the range of skills used by their predecessors to carry out third-party mediation. The manual describes the current context in which UN mediation and “good offices” is carried out, offers advice and lessons from previous representatives and envoys, and suggests how the UN’s Mediation Support Unit can help to support the work of UN mediators. The manual is based on the UNITAR Programme for Briefing and Debriefing Special and Personal Representatives of the Secretary-General, which involved extensive interviews with UN representatives and envoys to determine lessons learned and best practices from their work.

Tailored Guidance

Tailored guidance is also frequently developed by the Mediation Support Unit (MSU) in the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) in response to a specific request from the field, often involving comparative case analysis. Such material is not generally made available beyond the requesting entity.



  • Monitoring Social Media Cover

    May, 2024 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and Build Up

    Monitoring of Social Media Provisions in Peace Agreements

    A critical and evolving aspect of contemporary conflict mediation is the impact of social media on conflict dynamics and the mediation process. Mediators are beginning to address this impact through standalone social media agreements, pre-process codes of conduct, or the inclusion of specific social media clauses in broader ceasefire or peace agreements. This brief aims to address the as yet understudied challenge of how to implement and monitor social media provisions in peace agreements.

  • October, 2023 | Author: Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of mediation efforts through human rights: DPPA-OHCHR Practice Note

    This practice note, a DPPA-OHCHR collaboration, delves into practical strategies and real-world examples to help mediators and human rights practitioners weave human rights principles and considerations into their work in general and in every step of mediation efforts specifically. The note shows that human rights offer practical solutions to many of the challenging issues that mediators try to address.

  • DPPA-Climate

    November, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    Weathering Two Storms: Gender and Climate in Peace and Security

    The world is facing unprecedented risks from climate change. Droughts, erratic rainfall, and extreme weather events affect people, livelihoods, and economies across the world.

  • DPPA Constitutional Assistance

    November, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    Advice on Applying Mediation Fundamentals in UN Constitutional Assistance

    This paper captures key lessons learned in the author's two-year secondment to the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Policy and Mediation Division, Mediation Support Unit, during which the author supported constitution-making processes and provided advice on handling constitutional issues. 

  • Transitional Justice

    October, 2022 | Author: Priscilla Hayner

    Transitional Justice in Peace Processes: United Nations policy and challenges in practice

    The subject of justice and accountability raises significant challenges in peace mediation contexts, as well as in the implementation phase following a peace agreement. These challenges usually cannot be avoided and simply must be worked through. However, there are steps that the United Nations can take so that its staff and representatives are in a stronger position to plan, to respond to the substantive questions that arise and to better coordinate with each other. This paper sets out some of these challenges, and offers both policy and strategy ideas for addressing them. (Note: This paper reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations.)

  • Local Mediation

    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

    Engaging at the Local Level: Options for UN Mediators

    This Practice Note outlines circumstances under which more direct involvement with local conflicts and mediation processes might be strategically relevant for United Nations mediators working on national political processes.

  • Climate Change Guidance

    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    The Implications of Climate Change for Mediation and Peace Processes

    Climate change effects are felt in every corner of the world and can affect conflicts in different ways. They can be a source of conflict, a multiplier of existing risks, or an opportunity for manipulation by conflict parties. Building on DPPA’s broader efforts to address the complex linkages between climate, peace and security, this note aims to provide guidance to mediation practitioners operating in climate exposed and fragile contexts. It explores the opportunities and challenges of incorporating climate change considerations into peace processes and presents concrete measures to be taken.

  • Guidance on Mediation of Ceasefires

    September, 2022 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    Guidance on Mediation of Ceasefires

    The Guidance is designed to support United Nations senior leader- ship and staff, mediators, and facilitators within and outside the UN, along with their teams, conflict parties, representatives of States and regional organizations, national and international non-governmen- tal organizations, women’s groups and other stakeholders in peace processes.

  • Field of Dilemmas

    April, 2022 | Author: Barney Afako

    A Field of Dilemmas: Managing Transitional Justice in Peace Processes

    This paper highlights that peace processes are an important, albeit atypical, arena for policymaking, generally and in relation to transitional justice. This paper examines how the concept of

    transitional justice is understood, misunderstood, introduced, contested and managed within peace processes. It underscores that, in peace processes, there is a need to maintain an approach to transitional justice that is decidedly Janus-faced: looking at the past to acknowledge and honour victims and to confront difficult histories, while looking to the future to transcend the past and to achieve a transformative transition from conflict. Through this lens, the paper reflects on the approach and practice of the United Nations and other regional, national, local and international actors that support and accompany peace processes. (Note: This paper reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations.)

  • October, 2021

    Mediating Peace with Climate Change: Integrating Climate Change Considerations Into Mediation

    This report is a contribution to ongoing efforts in the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) to address the impact of climate change on mediation and preventive diplomacy. It was commissioned by DPPA with support from the Government of the Republic of France and prepared by Alex Grzybowski and Chanda Hunnie of Pacific Resolutions. Views expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of DPPA.


  • UN Support to Local Mediation: Challenges and Opportunities

    November, 2020 | Author: United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

    UN Support to Local Mediation: Challenges and Opportunities

    This publication dives into some of the challenges and opportunities presented by UN support to local level mediation and dialogue processes, and discusses its strategic relevance to the Organization’s overall peacemaking efforts.

  • Constitutions and Peace Processes: A Primer (Cover page)

    November, 2020 | Author: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division) and the Berghof Foundation

    Constitutions and Peace Processes: A Primer

    The Primer identifies the challenges and opportunities at the nexus of peace processes and constitutions and constitution making, including lessons learned, policy options and their implications for sustaining peace.

  • Guidance Note of the Secretary-General on United Nations Constitutional Assistance

    September, 2020 | Author: United Nations

    Guidance Note of the Secretary-General on United Nations Constitutional Assistance

  • June, 2020 | Author: United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy & Mediation Division)

    Policy Note on the United Nations Secretary-General's Call for a Global Ceasefire: Challenges and Opportunities

    On 23 March 2020, Secretary-General António Guterres issued an appeal for an immediate global ceasefire to help create conditions for the delivery of lifesaving aid, reinforce diplomatic action and bring hope to places that are among the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 23 June 2020, the Secretary-General's call had received support from 179 Member States and one non-member observer State, as well as a range of regional organizations and international and local civil society actors. Some of these 179 Member States supported the call only in specific conflcit contexts or while stressing the right to continue with counter-terrorism operations. Meanwhile, a number of conflict parties responsed to the call by announcing unilateral ceasefires. This note analyses the response and discusses the opportunities and challenges presented by the Secretary-General's appeal.

  • Handbook cover

    June, 2020 | Author: United Nations

    United Nations Handbook for Field Missions on Preventing and Responding to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

    This Handbook is intended to serve as a practical guide to support the implementation of the CRSV mandate by United Nations Field Missions, including Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions. It serves both as a guidance for civilians, military, and police personnel deployed to United Nations Field Missions and as a pre-deployment orientation tool for future Mission personnel.

  • February, 2015 | Author: United Nations Department of Political Affairs and United Nations Environment Programme

    Natural Resources and Conflict: A Guide for Mediation Practitioners

    The guide aims to inform mediators and stakeholders addressing conflicts over natural resources — whether those disagreements are violent, have the potential to turn violent, or are part of a larger political struggle, including within a peace process. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts. It also features lessons learned from UNEP’s work on environmental diplomacy in different conflict affected countries, with a particular focus on how to use impartial technical knowledge to equalize stakeholder information in a mediation process. Helping to identify paths towards resolution through mediation and third-party involvement, the Guide can be applied for localized and transboundary conflicts, as well as natural resource disputes that arise in the context of broader peace negotiations. 

  • July, 2012 | Author: United Nations

    United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation

    Prepared in response to the request of the General Assembly and in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, the Guidance aims to inform the design and management of mediation processes. It is intended as a resource for mediators, States and other actors supporting mediation efforts but is also relevant for conflict parties, civil society and other stakeholders.

  • June, 2012 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    Special Political Missions (SPMs) Start-up Guide

    The Special political missions (SPMs) Start-up Guide provides essential information and guidance on the substantive and administrative tasks that need to be carried out to establish a field-based SPM, such as mission planning, communication, budget processes, human resources, logistics, security and legal issues. It is an essential document for all DPA staff, and for DPA desk officers and senior managers tasked to support the establishment of an SPM in particular.

  • January, 2012 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    Guidance for Mediators: Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ceasefire and Peace Agreements

    The United Nations requires its mediators to address conflict-related sexual violence. This guidance offers mediators and their teams principles and strategies for including this critical peacebuilding and security concern in ceasefire and peace agreements.

  • September, 2011 | Author: United Nations (Department of Political Affairs)

    Mediation Start-up Guidelines

    The DPA Mediation Start-up Guidelines seek to provide guidance to managers, desk officers and field staff of the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA) on the start-up and establishment of mediation initiatives led, co-led or supported by the United Nations. Their purpose is to consolidate DPA’s institutional knowledge on strategy development, planning, support and coordination aspects of mediation initiatives.

  • June, 2010 | Author: United Nations (UN Institute for Training and Research, Department of Political Affairs)

    A Manual for UN Mediators: Advice from UN Representatives

    The main purpose of this manual is to familiarize new UN mediators with the range of skills used by their predecessors to carry out third-party mediation. The manual describes the current context in which UN mediation and “good offices” is carried out, offers advice and lessons from previous representatives and envoys, and suggests how the UN’s Mediation Support Unit can help to support the work of UN mediators. The manual is based on the UNITAR Programme for Briefing and Debriefing Special and Personal Representatives of the Secretary-General, which involved extensive interviews with UN representatives and envoys to determine lessons learned and best practices from their work.