Abuja Agreement to Supplement the Cotonou and Akosombo Agreements as Subsequently Clarified by the Accra Agreement
This supplement to the Cotonou and Akosombo agreements redeclares a ceasefire and sets a date for elections, a time-frame for the establishment of the Interim Government and the distribution of positions within the Interim Government.
Protocol on the Fundamental Principles for Establishing Peace and National Accord
In this agreement, the parties reaffirm previous commitments and agree to conclude a general agreement on the establishment of peace and national accord in Tajikistan. The parties also agree that the agreement shall consist of separate protocols on political and military problems, the return and reintegration of refugees, monitoring and verification and guarantees of implementation.
Political Charter between the Sudan Government and the SPLA/M (United)
This agreement defines the overarching principles by which further negotiations will be conducted to resolve the North-South Sudan conflict. It calls for substantive discussions to be held on decentralisation, power and wealth-sharing, religious rights and the formation of a national army, which would include SPLA (United) troops.