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Le Groupe de l’appui à la médiation du Département des affaires politiques et de la consolidation de la paix (DPPA) sert de point focal à l’échelle du système des Nations Unies en ce qui concerne l’expertise et de l’appui en matière de médiation. Ce groupe fournit notamment un appui opérationnel adapté à chaque processus de paix et de dialogue grâce à son personnel spécialisé et à l’Équipe de réserve de conseillers principaux pour la médiation.

Nos activités


Les compétences principales du Groupe de l’appui à la médiation comprennent une assistance opérationnelle à la médiation et aux processus de paix, un renforcement ciblé des capacités des partenaires et la formulation d’orientations concernant la médiation, les enseignements tirés et les meilleures pratiques.

Le personnel du Groupe, qui comprend des experts internes en matière de cessez-le-feu, d’élaboration de constitution et de conception de processus, est en mesure de fournir un soutien sur mesure tout au long des phases de planification, de mise en œuvre et d’évaluation d’un processus de médiation. Le Groupe gère en outre l’Équipe de réserve de conseillers principaux pour la médiation, qui peut être mobilisée en tant que capacité complémentaire d’appui à la médiation.

Le Groupe organise une série de formations phares, notamment le cours de médiation de haut niveau des Nations Unies (UN High Level Mediation Course), le cours de médiation sur le cessez-le-feu (Ceasefire Mediation Course) et le cours sur les femmes dans les négociations de cessez-le-feu (Women in Ceasefire Negotiations Course). Par ailleurs, le Groupe de l’appui à la médiation élabore et actualise des directives et des ressources destinées aux médiateurs. On peut notamment citer une base de données sur les accords de paix dans laquelle il est possible de faire des recherches, ce qui permet aux médiateurs de comparer les formulations employées dans 1 300 accords, soit plus de 75 000 dispositions. Sur demande, le Groupe fournit également aux missions sur le terrain des conseils sur mesure, souvent au moyen d’une analyse comparative des dossiers.

Le Groupe de l’appui à la médiation travaille fréquemment en partenariat avec diverses organisations régionales. Il est également membre de plusieurs réseaux de médiation, dont le Groupe des Amis de la médiation et le Réseau d’appui à la médiation, et il collabore régulièrement avec l’Alliance mondiale des réseaux régionaux de médiatrices.

La capacité d’appui à la médiation du DPPA dépend principalement du financement issu de l’appel pluriannuel, qui permet notamment de fournir un appui aux pourparlers de paix sur le terrain. Grâce à un financement durable, le Groupe de l’appui à la médiation pourra continuer à déployer des experts opérationnels en cas de besoin ainsi qu’à élaborer des approches innovantes et des directives en matière de médiation dans des domaines émergents, tels que les technologies numériques, le climat, la médiation locale et infranationale et le programme relatif aux jeunes et à la paix et à la sécurité.


Un appui mondial 


Nous apportons notre appui à la médiation dans 25 à 30 pays par an.


Un appui flexible

Icon showing flexbibilty

Nous soutenons un large éventail d’efforts de prévention, de dialogue, de médiation et de concrétisation de la paix auprès de différents types de médiateurs.


Un appui rapide

A clock moving fast

Nous pouvons déployer des experts en médiation de haut niveau dans les 72 heures suivant la réception d’une demande.


Un appui innovant et inclusif

A lightbulb

Nous intégrons les questions de genre et d’inclusion dans nos conseils et utilisons des approches innovantes qui répondent aux défis des conflits contemporains.

Enrichir nos connaissances et aider les autres à apprendre

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

Ces directives sont conçues pour venir en aide aux hauts responsables et au personnel de l’ONU, aux médiateurs et aux facilitateurs au sein et en dehors de l’Organisation, ainsi qu’à leurs équipes, aux parties au conflit, aux représentants des États et des organisations régionales, aux organisations non gouvernementales nationales et internationales, aux groupes de femmes et à d’autres parties prenantes aux processus de paix.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

This paper captures key lessons learned in the author's two-year secondment to the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Policy and Mediation Division, Mediation Support Unit, during which the author supported constitution-making processes and provided advice on handling constitutional issues. 

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

This Practice Note outlines circumstances under which more direct involvement with local conflicts and mediation processes might be strategically relevant for United Nations mediators working on national political processes.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Les effets des changements climatiques se font sentir aux quatre coins du monde et peuvent influer sur les conflits de diverses manières. Ils peuvent constituer une source de conflit ou un amplificateur de risques existants et peuvent être manipulés par les parties au conflit pour obtenir des avantages. S’inscrivant dans le cadre des mesures plus larges prises par le DPPA pour tenir compte des liens complexes entre le climat, la paix et la sécurité, cette note vise à orienter les efforts des praticiens de la médiation qui travaillent dans des contextes fragiles et exposés aux changements climatiques. Elle examine les possibilités et les défis liés à l’intégration des considérations relatives aux changements climatiques dans les processus de paix et présente des mesures concrètes à prendre.
United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Cette note de pratique, fruit d’une collaboration entre le DPPA et le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme (HCDH), explore des stratégies pratiques et des exemples concrets pour aider les médiateurs et les praticiens des droits humains à intégrer les principes et les considérations relatifs aux droits humains dans leur travail en général et à chaque étape des efforts de médiation en particulier. Il y est démontré que les droits humains offrent des solutions pratiques à de nombreux défis que les médiateurs tentent de surpasser.

Produced jointly by DPPA Mediation Support Unit and swisspeace, this paper discusses the impact of social media on peace mediation, makes practical suggestions for mediators and their teams, and poses questions for further consideration and analysis. The paper also includes illustrative examples of practical social media uses.

United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

Digital technologies are also changing the character of conflict as parties increasingly rely on them to advance their objectives. Mediators and their teams need to consider additional factors such as the digital ecosystem of a given setting and how digital technologies and related data issues influence the power dynamics of a conflict. To address these new developments and help mediators and political affairs officers navigate the issues, the DPPA Policy and Mediation Division has prepared a Framework for Digital Technology-sensitive Conflict Analysis.


Nous vous invitons à consulter la page des ressources pour obtenir d’autres documents d’orientation, de politique et de pratique en matière de médiation.

Faits marquants en 2023

People sitting on a table

152 déploiements de personnel/conseillers

sur demande d’aide à la médiation

Hands protecting the planet

131 missions d’appui à la médiation de l’Équipe de réserve

dans environ 28 contextes différents

People of different gender

Fourniture de conseils et d’appui techniques en matière de genre et d’inclusion

fournie dans l’intégralité des processus de paix dirigés ou codirigés par l’ONU

Appui fourni en 2023, par thème

Conception des processus
Genre et inclusion
Dispositions en matière de sécurité
Élaboration de constitutions

Appui fourni en 2023, par région

World Map of support activities in 2023.Africa:45%,Europe: 4%,Middle East: 13%,Asia&Pacific:5%,Americas & Caribbean:15%,Non-region specific:18%


The Mediation Support Unit (MSU) in the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) serves as the UN system-wide focal point on mediation expertise and support.

Snapshot of Current Activities


Updated December 31 2024


From 4 to 8 November, an SBT process design expert and a staff member from MSU deployed to Santiago de Chile in support of the Presidential Commission for Peace and Understanding. This deployment, closely coordinated with the DPPA-DPO Americas Division and the RCO Chile, builds on previous UN support provided to the Commission throughout 2024. During the deployment, the SBT member and the MSU staff member engaged with a broad range of stakeholders, including government officials, Commission members and private sector representatives to strengthen UN technical engagement and assistance. Drawing on international best practice, the team shared key lessons on consensus-building, forms of institutionalized dialogue, and implementation and follow-up mechanisms, offering valuable insights to strengthen the Commission’s ongoing work ahead of it delivering its recommendations to the Presidency in the coming months.

No activity during this period


MSU’s senior advisor on ceasefires and security arrangements continued to provide technical advice and support to the OSESG-Yemen. MSU provided technical advice in planning a series of reflections offered to the Military Coordination Committee (MCC). As part of these engagements, the MSU advisor supported the conduct of a three-day meeting with a Government of Yemen delegation in December 2024. The support is expected to continue in 2025. 

East African Community (EAC)

The SBT expert on gender and inclusion was deployed to Bujumbura, Burundi from 30 October to 1 November to provide input into the substance and structure of the final version of the EAC Regional Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security and support its validation exercise. This deployment was a follow-up to a joint DPPA/EAC/UN-Women workshop held in Entebbe, Uganda in December 2023 on “Strengthening the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the EAC Region” that developed the draft Regional Action Plan on WPS.

The validation meeting brought together the EAC Multi-sectoral Working Group of 29 participants comprised of regional experts, government representatives from the EAC community, civil society actors, and international partners (UN DPPA and UN Women). The SBT expert provided input to deliberations, and through comparative experience from other regions, clarified concepts, scope of the WPS agenda and shared relevant materials/documents to enhance the draft EAC RAP.  The input provided enabled an EAC consultant to finalize the draft Regional Action Plan.


Great Lakes

In October 2024, an SBT process design expert was deployed to Luanda to support an AU-Angola convened High Level Forum on Women’s Participation in the Great Lakes Region. The overall theme of the Forum was strengthening women’s participation and leadership in peace and security processes in the Great Lakes, including in the eastern DRC as part of the AU-mandated, Angolan-led “Luanda Process” aimed at normalizing the political and diplomatic relations between the DRC and Rwanda. The expert delivered a session on comparative experience from other peace processes of how women developed a common agenda during peace talks and provided substantive support and helped to facilitate to group discussions on both days.



In November, pursuant to a request conveyed by the RCO and the DPPA-DPO Central and Southern Africa Division, MSU deployed two SBT experts (process design, gender and inclusion) to Maseru, Lesotho, to support the College of Chiefs. More specifically, the experts helped to facilitate a third round of dialogue among the Chiefs aimed at developing a shared understanding and vision in relation to the role of the College, whose members are all Senators in the upper chamber of the legislature. This deployment was based on a request for further support made by the College of Chiefs during the previous round in July, so as to strengthen its capacities in mediation and dispute resolution in light of the Chiefs’ role as a quasi-judicial institution at the local level. During the deployment, the experts created space for the Chiefs to focus on discussion of implementation  strategies for their shared vision on the role of the College and to further strengthen the skills required to fulfill their mandate.



MSU continues to support UNSMIL in implementing its comprehensive mandate, particularly with respect to mediation process design and ceasefires and security arrangements. In October, UNSMIL requested the deployment of an SBT process design expert to support the design of a multi-track inclusive dialogue process. Based on extensive consultations within the Mission, the expert drafted option papers to help UNSMIL’s leadership develop a comprehensive political strategy. Following this work, on 16 December, DSRSG Khoury presented a vision statement to the Libyan people and the Security Council outlining a comprehensive political process for Libya.

The MSU Advisor on ceasefires and security arrangements supported UNSMIL in conducting a second workshop for Libyan military/security actors in Tunis in November. At the previous workshop in May, also supported by the MSU Advisor, the Libyan Ministry of Defense and other security sector actors jointly developed a code of conduct to improve the provision of security, civilian protection, and respect for human rights in the country. This second workshop concluded with recommendations aimed at activating the Code of Conduct for Military and Security Personnel, enhancing joint security plans, coordinating border security procedures, and combating violent extremism and irregular migration.


Sierra Leone

A constitutions expert mobilized through the SBT mechanism participated in a virtual discussion with UNDP, DPPA Electoral Assistance and the DPPA-DPO Western Africa Divisions, and the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in Sierra Leone to advise the latter on potential engagement with the government of Sierra Leone on the constitutional review process.


South Sudan

MSU continued to support UNMISS in implementing its mandated activities, including implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan. At the request of SRSG Haysom, an SBT process design expert was deployed to South Sudan in December to analyze local peace agreements facilitated and supported by the Mission and to gather insights from those directly involved in these mediation processes. The overall aim of the review was to deepen understanding of the factors influencing the success or failure of local peace agreements in South Sudan. The expert consulted a range of actors in Juba, including UN officials, NGOs and South Sudanese stakeholders and conducted field visits to UNMISS offices in Wau and Rumbek. The findings and recommendations from this study will offer guidance to the Mission for enhancing capacity to support South Sudanese actors in implementing sustainable peace agreements and contribute to long-term peace and stability in the country.

In addition, at the request of the UNMISS Constitutions Team, a constitutional issues expert was mobilized through the SBT Mechanism to provide expertise on constitution-making and federalism at a workshop organized by the Mission and the University of Juba. The expert made presentations to a number of South Sudanese stakeholders including constitutional experts, policymakers and academics.



During the reporting period, MSU and SBT continued to support to the DPPA-DPO Eastern Africa Division (EAfD) and the Office of the Personal Envoy on Sudan (OPESG). In October, MSU staff also provided input related to ceasefires to the Report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on “Recommendations for the protection of civilians in the Sudan” as requested by Security Council resolution 2736 (2024). 

The MSU senior advisor on ceasefires and security arrangements continued to provide assistance to the Sudan team. Following his deployment to Villars, Switzerland in September 2024, as part of the OPESG team to provide technical support to the Aligned for Advancing Lifesaving and Peace in Sudan (ALPS) Group, the MSU senior advisor continued to virtually attend the ALPS meetings as part of the OPESG’s team from October to December. 

In December 2024, MSU and SBT provided support to the process design of a series of digital consultations undertaken by OPESG with Sudanese stakeholders. MSU staff and an expert on Digital Technologies provided advice on the facilitation of online consultations with Sudanese civil society representatives, including youth, women, and other civic groups, with a view to maximizing interactive engagement in the process. During the consultations, the MSU advisor on ceasefires and security arrangements provided a presentation on the status of the ‘Jeddah Declaration of the Commitment to Protect Civilians’ to inform the deliberations. 

As part of the broader contribution to the UN’s work on Sudan, the SBT expert on ceasefires and security arrangements supported the Entebbe Sudan Women’s Forum for Ending the War convened by the Berghof Foundation. At an in-person workshop for 25 senior Sudanese women in Naivasha, Kenya from 30 November – 3 December, the expert facilitated sessions on ceasefire negotiations, monitoring and reporting as well as gendered approaches to ceasefires, including development of gender-responsive provisions in different ceasefire negotiations. 


MSU continued to support the DPPA-DPO Asia and Pacific Division and UNAMA on process design questions and planning for ways forward to advance international engagement on Afghanistan in a more coherent, coordinated, and structured manner. This support formed part of the follow-up to the third UN-convened meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan held in Doha in June-July 2024 and consisted of preparation of internal options papers and background documents, in close collaboration with colleagues in the regional Division and Mission. 



During a visit to UNHQ in New York, on 30 October the Special Envoy and her team held a half-day in-person brainstorming on comparative international peace processes with an SBT expert on process design and several members of Mediation Support and Gender, Peace and Security Units.


Papua New Guinea

MSU continued to provide technical advice to senior United Nations officials on the ongoing post-referendum consultation process between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). Following the appointment of an independent moderator in September to help the two governments resolve outstanding issues regarding Bougainville’s future, an SBT process design expert has been advising the Office of the Resident Coordinator and the DPPA-DPO Asia and Pacific Division on ways the United Nations could support the newly appointed moderator, drawing on lessons learned and other comparative examples of third-party facilitation.  This includes considerations for the design of a process to support the parties in their consultations. This follows the two governments specifically requesting continued support from the United Nations to the process in their joint statement appointing the moderator.

1. MSU/SBT online and in person engagements (webinars, panels, consultations)

During the fourth quarter, multiple experts from the SBT mechanism and MSU staff participated in different virtual discussion formats as panelists, speakers, and moderators. They also acted as expert facilitators in various capacity building exercises for the UN and its partners including: SBT process design experts delivered online lectures on global trends in contemporary conflict and peacemaking for students of international relations at Blanquerna University and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy respectively; an SBT process design expert discussed mediation and conflict resolution during a session of the Advanced Training of Children and Armed Conflict, organized by the Office of the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children in Armed Conflict; an SBT expert on gender and inclusion attended the 18th Dialogue on Regional Peace and Security in the Horn of Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya from 21 to 22 November that was co-organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and German Institute for International and Security Affairs, multiple SBT experts and MSU staff attended and facilitated sessions of the 2024 Women in Ceasefire Negotiations Course; MSU staff and two SBT experts participated as resource persons and panel members during the 2024 European Union Community of Practice on Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Mediation; and an MSU staff member spoke at the 2024 Build Peace Conference in the Philippines in November.