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Cette section contient des conseils et des documents d’orientation de l’ONU concernant la mise en place et la gestion d’initiatives de médiation. Les praticiens y trouveront des conseils pratiques et différentes possibilités pour aborder certains des principaux défis et domaines thématiques de la médiation afin de maximiser les chances de succès.

Documents d’orientation de l’ONU

UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, UN Department of Peace Operations, UN Women

Le Secrétaire général a établi les Directives des Nations Unies pour une médiation efficace en réponse à une demande de l’Assemblée générale (A/RES/65/283). Ces Directives définissent un certain nombre d’éléments fondamentaux dont toute initiative de médiation doit tenir compte : préparation, consentement, impartialité, ouverture du processus à toutes les parties prenantes, appropriation nationale, droit international et cadres normatifs, cohérence, coordination et complémentarité des activités de médiation, et accords de paix de qualité.

Ce document d’orientation du DPPA des Nations Unies vise à informer les médiateurs et leurs équipes, ainsi que les parties au conflit, sur les principes et les stratégies permettant d’inclure efficacement les femmes, ainsi qu’une perspective sexospécifique, dans les processus de médiation. Il aborde la préparation de la médiation, la conception du processus et les questions de fond, notamment les dispositions en matière de sécurité, la participation, les constitutions, le libellé et la mise en œuvre des accords de paix dans une optique d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. 

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

Ces directives sont conçues pour venir en aide aux hauts responsables et au personnel de l’ONU, aux médiateurs et aux facilitateurs au sein et en dehors de l’Organisation, ainsi qu’à leurs équipes, aux parties au conflit, aux représentants des États et des organisations régionales, aux organisations non gouvernementales nationales et internationales, aux groupes de femmes et à d’autres parties prenantes aux processus de paix.

This Handbook is intended to serve as a practical guide to support the implementation of the CRSV mandate by United Nations Field Missions, including Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions. It serves both as a guidance for civilians, military, and police personnel deployed to United Nations Field Missions and as a pre-deployment orientation tool for future Mission personnel.

The guide aims to inform mediators and stakeholders addressing conflicts over natural resources — whether those disagreements are violent, have the potential to turn violent, or are part of a larger political struggle, including within a peace process. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts. It also features lessons learned from UNEP’s work on environmental diplomacy in different conflict affected countries, with a particular focus on how to use impartial technical knowledge to equalize stakeholder information in a mediation process.

United Nations Department of Political Affairs, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

L’ONU attend de ses médiateurs qu’ils luttent contre les violences sexuelles liées aux conflits. Ce guide leur propose, ainsi qu’à leurs équipes, des principes et des stratégies permettant d’inclure cette source de préoccupation majeure, en matière de consolidation de la paix et de sécurité, dans les accords de cessez-le-feu et les accords de paix.

United Nations Department of Political Affairs, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The DPPA Mediation Start-up Guidelines seek to provide guidance to managers, desk officers and field staff of the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPPA) on the start-up and establishment of mediation initiatives led, co-led or supported by the United Nations. Their purpose is to consolidate DPPA's institutional knowledge on strategy development, planning, support and coordination aspects of mediation initiatives.

Notes de politique générale, notes de pratique et documents spéciaux


The malicious use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) such as offensive cyber operations and Internet and telecommunications shutdowns are a reality of contemporary armed conflict, featuring regularly in international wars between States and in internal civil conflicts. As the malicious ICT conduct in conflict has grown, so have the calls for its inclusion among issues to be negotiated in peace processes.

A critical and evolving aspect of contemporary conflict mediation is the impact of social media on conflict dynamics and the mediation process. Mediators are beginning to address this impact through standalone social media agreements, pre-process codes of conduct, or the inclusion of specific social media clauses in broader ceasefire or peace agreements. This brief aims to address the as yet understudied challenge of how to implement and monitor social media provisions in peace agreements.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Cette note de pratique, fruit d’une collaboration entre le DPPA et le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme (HCDH), explore des stratégies pratiques et des exemples concrets pour aider les médiateurs et les praticiens des droits humains à intégrer les principes et les considérations relatifs aux droits humains dans leur travail en général et à chaque étape des efforts de médiation en particulier. Il y est démontré que les droits humains offrent des solutions pratiques à de nombreux défis que les médiateurs tentent de surpasser.

A New Agenda for Peace outlines Secretary-General António Guterres' vision for multilateral efforts for peace and security, based on international law, for a world in transition. It reflects on today’s peace and security threats – including the changing conflict landscape; persistent violence outside of conflict environments; the potential weaponization of new technologies; rising inequalities; shrinking civic space; and the climate emergency – and emphasizes how violations of the UN Charter and a pushback against human rights, in particular women’s rights, represent a significant normative challenge. 

United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

Digital technologies are also changing the character of conflict as parties increasingly rely on them to advance their objectives. Mediators and their teams need to consider additional factors such as the digital ecosystem of a given setting and how digital technologies and related data issues influence the power dynamics of a conflict. To address these new developments and help mediators and political affairs officers navigate the issues, the DPPA Policy and Mediation Division has prepared a Framework for Digital Technology-sensitive Conflict Analysis.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

This paper captures key lessons learned in the author's two-year secondment to the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Policy and Mediation Division, Mediation Support Unit, during which the author supported constitution-making processes and provided advice on handling constitutional issues. 

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

The world is facing unprecedented risks from climate change. Droughts, erratic rainfall, and extreme weather events affect people, livelihoods, and economies across the world.

Priscilla Hayner

The subject of justice and accountability raises significant challenges in peace mediation contexts, as well as in the implementation phase following a peace agreement. These challenges usually cannot be avoided and simply must be worked through. However, there are steps that the United Nations can take so that its staff and representatives are in a stronger position to plan, to respond to the substantive questions that arise and to better coordinate with each other. This paper sets out some of these challenges, and offers both policy and strategy ideas for addressing them.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Les effets des changements climatiques se font sentir aux quatre coins du monde et peuvent influer sur les conflits de diverses manières. Ils peuvent constituer une source de conflit ou un amplificateur de risques existants et peuvent être manipulés par les parties au conflit pour obtenir des avantages. S’inscrivant dans le cadre des mesures plus larges prises par le DPPA pour tenir compte des liens complexes entre le climat, la paix et la sécurité, cette note vise à orienter les efforts des praticiens de la médiation qui travaillent dans des contextes fragiles et exposés aux changements climatiques. Elle examine les possibilités et les défis liés à l’intégration des considérations relatives aux changements climatiques dans les processus de paix et présente des mesures concrètes à prendre.
United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

This Practice Note outlines circumstances under which more direct involvement with local conflicts and mediation processes might be strategically relevant for United Nations mediators working on national political processes.

Barney Afako

This paper highlights that peace processes are an important, albeit atypical, arena for policymaking, generally and in relation to transitional justice. This paper examines how the concept of

This report is a contribution to ongoing efforts in the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) to address the impact of climate change on mediation and preventive diplomacy. It was commissioned by DPPA with support from the Government of the Republic of France and prepared by Alex Grzybowski and Chanda Hunnie of Pacific Resolutions. Views expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of DPPA.

United Nations (Gender, Peace and Security Unit & Mediation Support Unit/DPPA; UN Women)

Gender-sensitive conflict analysis is the systematic study of the gendered causes, structures, stakeholders and dynamics of conflict and peace. Addressing common gender biases in conflict analysis will provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the root causes, triggers and drivers of conflict, and enable more informed and effective action.

United Nations (Mediation Support Unit, Policy and Mediation Division)

On 23 March 2020, Secretary-General António Guterres issued an appeal for an immediate global ceasefire to help create conditions for the delivery of lifesaving aid, reinforce diplomatic action and bring hope to places that are among the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 23 June 2020, the Secretary-General's call had received support from 179 Member States and one non-member observer State, as well as a range of regional organizations and international and local civil society actors.

United Nations (Gender, Peace and Security Unit & Mediation Support Unit/DPPA; UN Women)

Ce document de politique générale témoigne de l’importance d’une participation pleine, égale et constructive des femmes à des interventions efficaces contre la pandémie et aux efforts de rétablissement de la paix.  Il met aussi en lumière la manière dont le programme pour les femmes et la paix et la sécurité peut établir un cadre crucial favorisant des solutions durables et des prises de décision inclusives.

United Nations Department of Political Affairs, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The Primer identifies the challenges and opportunities at the nexus of peace processes and constitutions and constitution making, including lessons learned, policy options and their implications for sustaining peace.

Mediation Support Unit

This publication dives into some of the challenges and opportunities presented by UN support to local level mediation and dialogue processes, and discusses its strategic relevance to the Organization’s overall peacemaking efforts.

The main purpose of this manual is to familiarize new UN mediators with the range of skills used by their predecessors to carry out third-party mediation. The manual describes the current context in which UN mediation and “good offices” is carried out, offers advice and lessons from previous representatives and envoys, and suggests how the UN’s Mediation Support Unit can help to support the work of UN mediators.

UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, UN Department of Peace Operations, UN Women

The Special political missions (SPMs) Start-up Guide provides essential information and guidance on the substantive and administrative tasks that need to be carried out to establish a field-based SPM, such as mission planning, communication, budget processes, human resources, logistics, security and legal issues. It is an essential document for all DPPA staff, and for DPPA desk officers and senior managers tasked to support the establishment of an SPM in particular.