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United Nations DPA now DPPA

Это DPA, в настоящее время руководство DPPA, направлено на информирование посредников и их команд, а также конфликтных партий о принципах и стратегиях для эффективного включения женщин, а также гендерной перспективы в посреднических процессах. В Руководстве рассматриваются посреднические подготовки, инклюзивный проект процессов и основные вопросы, включая меры безопасности, участие, конституции, а также язык, а также внедрение мирных соглашений через гендерную линзу.

United Nations DPA now DPPA

Организация Объединенных Наций требует, чтобы его посредники обращались за сексуальным насилием, связанным с конфликтом. Это руководство предлагает посредникам и их командам принципы и стратегии для включения этой важнейшей миростроительства и проблем безопасности в соглашения о прекращении огня и мирных соглашений.

UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, UN Department of Peace Operations, UN Women

Генеральный секретарь разработал Руководство Организации Объединенных Наций по эффективному посредничеству в ответ на просьбу Генеральной Ассамблеи (A/RES/65/283). В Руководстве определен ряд основных принципов, которые должны учитываться в процессах посредничества: готовность; согласие; беспристрастность; инклюзивность; национальная ответственность; международное право и нормативная база; согласованность; координация и взаимодополняемость посреднических усилий; качество мирных соглашений.




WPS Dashboard on UN Women's Data Hub

Gender Expertise in Special Political Missions

Inclusion of Gender Provisions in UN-mediated Peace Agreements

Representation of Women in Formal UN-led and co-led Peace Negotiations

Reporting of Violations of Women's Human Rights to the Security Council by Special Political Missions



United Nations:

UN DPPA, UN DPO, UN Women (2024), How the UN System Can Advance Tangible Results on Women’s Participation in Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding by 2030, New York: United Nations 

UN DPPA (2022), Weathering Two Stoms: Gender and Climate in Peace and Security, New York: United Nations DPPA.

UN DPPA (2021), Women Peace and Security (WPS) & Youth Peace and Security (YPS) Complementarities of the two agendas, New York

UN DPPA (2020), From Words to Action: The Experience of UN Political Missions in Colombia on Women, Peace, and Security. Available in Spanish here. [50 pages] Executive Summary - From Words to Action: The Experience of UN Political Missions in Colombia on Women, Peace, and Security [8 pages]

UN DPPA (2020), Opening the Doors to Women's Meaningful Participation, New York: United Nations. [7 pages] Poster also available.

UN DPPA and UN Women (2020), COVID-19 and Conflict: Advancing Women's Meaningful Participation in Ceasefires and Peace Processes, New York: United Nations. Available in Arabic | French | Russian | Spanish.

Bell, Christine (2018), Accessing Political Power: Women and Political Power-Sharing in Peace Processes, New York: UN Women. Available in Arabic here. [28 pages]

Jamar, Astrid and Christine Bell (2018), Transitional Justice and Peace Negotiations with a Gender Lens, New York: UN Women. Available in Arabic here. [35 pages]

Pospisil, Jan and Christine Bell (2018), ‘Securing’ Peace: Women and Security Arrangements in Peace Processes, New York: UN Women. Available in Arabic here. [28 pages]

Suteu, Silvia and Christine Bell (2018), Women, Constitution-Making and Peace Processes, New York: UN Women. Available in Arabic here. [32 pages]

UN Women (2018) Experts Group report on women’s meaningful participation in peace processes and gender-inclusive peace agreements, New York: UN Women. [72 pages]

UN Women and IPTI (2018), Examples of modalities to support women’s representation and influence in peace negotiations (Version 1: August), annexed to: UN Women (2018) Experts Group report on women’s meaningful participation in peace processes and gender-inclusive peace agreements, New York: UN Women. Forthcoming in Arabic.

Wise, Laura and Christine Bell (2018), Gaining Ground: Women and Territorial Power-Sharing in Peace Processes, New York: UN Women. Available in Arabic here. [24 pages]

Paffenholz, Thania et al. (April 2016). Making Women Count - Not Just Counting Women: Assessing Women’s Inclusion and Influence on Peace Negotiations, New York: UN Women and IPTI. [60 pages]



Kapur, Bela and Ola Saleh (2020), A Right Not a Gift – Women building feminist peace, Kvinna till Kvinna. [72 pages]

Landau, Dana and Andreas Hirblinger (2020), Strategies of inclusion in peacemaking: Beyond box-ticking and photo opportunities?

Bell, Christine and Kevin McNicholl, (2019), Principled Pragmatism and the ‘Inclusion Project’: Implementing a Gender Perspective in Peace Agreements, Feminists@Law.

ICAN (2019), 10 steps to ensure gender-responsive processes and ceasefire agreements, Washington DC: ICAN [2 pages]. Arabic version available here.

CMI and SIPRI (2018), Beyond ‘women’s issues’ and smoky rooms: Debunking the myths about gender in peace mediation. SIPRI Commentary [3 pages]

Dayal, Anjali (2018), Connecting Informal and Formal Peace Talks: From Movements To Mediators, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, Policy Brief, GIWPS: Washington DC. [6 pages]

Krause, Jana, Werner Krause and Piia Bränfors. (2018). Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of Peace” International Interactions, 44 (6): 985-1016

Lee-Koo, Katrina and Jacqui True (2018), Toward Inclusive Peace: Mapping Gender-Sensitive Peace Agreements 2000-2016, Gender, Peace and Security Centre, Melbourne: Monash University. [8 pages]

Tamaru, Nanako and Marie O’Reilly (2018), How Women Influence Constitution Making After Conflict and Unrest, Washington DC: Institute for Inclusive Security. [69 pages]

Holt-Ivry, Olivia et al (2017), Women, Gender, and a Sustainable End to Violence, Issue Brief, Washington DC: Institute for Inclusive Security. [8 pages] Drawn from larger study: Barsa, Michelle et al. (2016), Inclusive Ceasefires: Women, gender, and a sustainable end to violence: South Sudan and Myanmar, Washington DC: Institute for Inclusive Security. [62 pages]

International Civil Society Action Network (2017), Better Peace, Washington DC: ICAN. Arabic version available here. French available here. [45 pages quarter size] ICAN website also available in Arabic.