Peace Agreements
Database Search
This MSU database provides peacemaking professionals with close to 1,300 documents that can be understood broadly as peace agreements. Users can access the full texts of the agreements in different languages and using search criteria below, including by country/region, year and type of conflict.
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MSU also maintains a collection of guidance, policy and practice documents on different thematic issues that frequently arise in mediation processes and peace agreements.
Region | Country / Entity | Conflict Type | Agreement Title | Date | Language |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on the Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration of South African Returnees | 16/08/1991 | English |
Europe | Finland, Sweden | Inter-State | Act on the Autonomy of Aland | 16/08/1991 | English |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Yamoussoukro II | 29/07/1991 | English |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | Framework Agreement on Democratisation in the Search for Peace by Political Means (Queretaro Agreement) | 25/07/1991 | English |
Europe | Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia | Regional | Memorandum of Understanding on the Monitor Mission to Yugoslavia | 13/07/1991 | English |
Europe | Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia | Regional | Joint Declaration of the EC Troica and the Parties directly concerned with the Yugoslav Crisis (Brioni Accord) | 07/07/1991 | English |
Europe | Slovenia | Intra-State | Proposal by the President of the Presidency of FSRY accepted by the Presidency of Slovenia regarding the Crisis in Slovenia | 02/07/1991 | English |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Yamoussoukro I | 30/06/1991 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Caracas Agenda | 06/06/1991 | English |
Africa | Angola | Intra-State | Peace Accords for Angola (Bicesse Accords) | 31/05/1991 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Mozambique | Intra-State | Protocol on Detailed Agenda | 28/05/1991 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Final entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Movimiento Armado Quintin Lame (MAQL) | 27/05/1991 | Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Lebanon, Syria | Inter-State | Treaty for Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination | 22/05/1991 | Arabic, English, French |
Africa | South Africa, Namibia | Decolonisation, Inter-State | Joint Statement on Walvis Bay and the Off-Shore Islands | 17/05/1991 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo de Cravo Norte | 15/05/1991 | Spanish |
Africa | Morocco, Western Sahara | Decolonisation | United Nations Security Council Resolution 690 (1991) on the situation concerning Western Sahara | 29/04/1991 | English |
The Americas | El Salvador | Intra-State | Mexico Agreement | 27/04/1991 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | Agreement on the Procedure for the Search for Peace by Political Means (Mexico Agreement) | 26/04/1991 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | Agreement on a General Agenda | 26/04/1991 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Kuwait | Inter-State | Security Council Resolution 687: Iraq-Kuwait | 03/04/1991 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Gobierno Nacional y el Movimiento Armado Quintin Lame (MAQL) para establecer el campamento | 06/03/1991 | Spanish |
South America | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Final Gobierno Nacional - Ejército Popular De Liberación | 15/02/1991 | Spanish |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Final entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) | 15/02/1991 | Spanish |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo sobre campamentos entre el Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) y el Gobierno Nacional | 15/02/1991 | Spanish |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Lome Agreement | 13/02/1991 | English |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | D F Malan Accord | 12/02/1991 | English |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Agreement between the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party | 29/01/1991 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Final entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT) | 25/01/1991 | Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | Papua New Guinea | Intra-State | Hionara Declaration on Peace, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation on Bougainville | 23/01/1991 | English |
Africa | Mali | Intra-State | Accord sur la cessation des hostilités | 06/01/1991 | French |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Joint Statement of the Warring Parties (INPFD, NPFL, AFL) (Banjul IV Agreement) | 21/12/1990 | English |
Asia | Iraq, Kuwait | Inter-State | United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait | 29/11/1990 | English |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Bamako Ceasefire Agreement | 28/11/1990 | English |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Final Communiqué of the First Extraordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government, Bamako | 28/11/1990 | English |
Africa | Liberia | Intra-State | Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities and Peaceful Settlement of Conflict (Banjul III Agreement) | 24/10/1990 | English |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Fax from Security Branch, 23 October 1990 | 23/10/1990 | English |
South America | Colombia | Intra-State | Declaración de la CGSB y la Comisión Exploratoria para la Paz, sobre el Diálogo Directo, Uribe, Meta | 21/10/1990 | Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | Papua New Guinea | Intra-State | Memorandum of Understanding between Buka Community Leaders and the National Government Delegation | 05/10/1990 | English |
South America | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Movimento Armado Quintín Lame, Cauca | 14/09/1990 | Spanish |
Global | Inter-State | Treaty on the Final Settlement with respect to Germany | 12/09/1990 | English | |
Asia | Cambodia | Intra-State | Joint Statement of the Informal Meeting on Cambodia | 10/09/1990 | English |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Pretoria Minute | 06/08/1990 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Papua New Guinea | Intra-State | Endeavour Accord on Dialogue and Return of Services to Bougainville | 05/08/1990 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Exchange of Letters Establishing the Basis of a Peace Agreement | 30/07/1990 | English |
The Americas | El Salvador | Intra-State | Agreement on Human Rights (San Jose Agreement) | 26/07/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Mozambique | Intra-State | Joint Communiqué (Government of Mozambique, RENAMO) | 10/07/1990 | English |
North America | Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua | Regional | Antigua Declaration | 17/06/1990 | English |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | El Escorial Agreement | 01/06/1990 | English, French, Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Managua Protocol on Disarmament | 30/05/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | El Salvador | Intra-State | General Agenda and Timetable for the Comprehensive Negotiating Process (Caracas Agreement) | 21/05/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Groote Schuur Minute | 04/05/1990 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Yemen | Inter-State, Intra-State | Agreement Establishing a Union between the State of the Yemen Arab Republic and the State of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen | 22/04/1990 | English |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Definitive Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of Nicaragua and the Yatama Atlantic Front of the Nicaraguan Resistance | 18/04/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Addendum to the Toncontin Agreement | 18/04/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Effective and Definitive Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan Resistance | 18/04/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | El Salvador | Intra-State | Geneva Agreement | 04/04/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Montelimar Declaration | 03/04/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | Basic Agreement for the Search for Peace by Political Means (Oslo Agreement) | 30/03/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Toncontin Agreement | 23/03/1990 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo Político entre el Gobierno Nacional, los Partidos Políticos, el M-19, y la Iglesia Católica en Calidad de Tutora Moral y Espiritual del Proceso | 09/03/1990 | Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | Papua New Guinea | Intra-State | Agreement to End Hostilities on Bougainville | 01/03/1990 | English |
South America | Argentina, United Kingdom (UK) | Inter-State | Joint Statement Re-Establishing Diplomatic Relations between Britain and Argentina | 15/02/1990 | English |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Declaration of San Isidoro de Coronado | 12/12/1989 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Resolution on Negotiations | 08/12/1989 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Lebanon | Intra-State | Taif Accords | 22/10/1989 | English |
South America | Argentina, United Kingdom (UK) | Inter-State | Joint Statement Re-establishing Consular Relations Between Britain and Argentina, and Agreeing a Framework on Sovereignty Which Would Allow Further Talks | 19/10/1989 | English |
Africa | Chad, Libya | Inter-State | Framework Agreement on the Peaceful Settlement of the Territorial Dispute between the Republic of Chad and the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 31/08/1989 | English |
Africa | South Africa | Intra-State | Harare Declaration | 21/08/1989 | English |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Tela Declaration | 07/08/1989 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Joint Plan for the Voluntary Demobilisation, Repatriation or Relocation of the Members of the Nicaraguan Resistance and their Families, as well as Assistance in the Demobilisation of all those involved in Armed Actions in the Countries of the Region | 07/08/1989 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Honduras, Nicaragua | Inter-State | Agreement between Honduras and Nicaragua | 07/08/1989 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Angola | Intra-State | Gbadolite Declaration on Angola | 22/06/1989 | English |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents (Costa del Sol Declaration) | 14/02/1989 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
North America | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Yatama Peace Initiative | 01/02/1989 | English |
Europe | Spain, France | Intra-State | Comunicado de tregua de ETA de enero de 1989 | 07/01/1989 | Spanish |
Africa | Angola, South Africa, Cuba | Intra-State, Regional | Agreement among the People's Republic of Angola, the Republic of Cuba, and the Republic of South Africa (Tripartite Agreement) | 22/12/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Angola, Cuba | Inter-State | Agreement among the People's Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cuba for the Conclusions of the Internationalist Mission of the Cuban Military Contingent | 22/12/1988 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Angola, Cuba, South Africa | Intra-State, Regional | Protocol of Brazzaville | 13/12/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Sudan | Intra-State | Sudanese Peace Initiative (SPLM/SPLA-DUP Agreement) | 16/11/1988 | English |
Europe | Spain | Intra-State | The Pact of Navarre | 07/10/1988 | English |
Africa | Morocco, Western Sahara | Decolonisation | UN Settlement Proposal (Western Sahara) | 30/08/1988 | English |
Africa | Morocco, Western Sahara | Decolonisation | The Settlement Proposals | 30/08/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Europe | France | Decolonisation, Intra-State | Accords d'Oudinot | 20/08/1988 | French |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Memorandum of Understanding with the Tripura National Volunteers (TNV) | 12/08/1988 | English |
Africa | Angola, Cuba, Namibia, South Africa | Intra-State, Regional | Protocol of Geneva: Agreement between the Governments of Angola, Cuba and South Africa | 05/08/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Africa | Angola, Cuba, Namibia, South Africa | Intra-State, Regional | Principles for a Peaceful Settlement in South-Western Africa (New York Principles) | 20/07/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Europe | France | Decolonisation, Intra-State | Accords de Matignon | 26/06/1988 | French |
Africa | Uganda | Intra-State | Peace Agreement between the Uganda Government and the Uganda People's Democratic Movement (Pece Agreement) | 03/06/1988 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Afghanistan, Pakistan | Inter-State, Intra-State | Agreements on the Settlement of the Situation Relating to Afghanistan | 14/04/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Acuerdo de Sapoa | 23/03/1988 | Spanish |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Basic Preliminary Accord between Government of Nicaragua and YATAMA | 26/01/1988 | English |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Agreement on the Functions of the Conciliation Commission between the Government of Nicaragua and YATAMA | 26/01/1988 | English |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents (Alajuela Declaration) | 16/01/1988 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Europe | Spain | Intra-State | The Pact of Ajuria Enea | 12/01/1988 | English |
Europe | Spain | Intra-State | The Madrid Pact | 05/11/1987 | English |
The Americas | Guatemala | Intra-State | Acuerdo de creación de la Comisión Nacional de Reconciliación | 11/09/1987 | Spanish |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Procedure for the Establishment of a Firm and Lasting Peace in Central America (Esquipulas II) | 07/08/1987 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Sri Lanka | Intra-State | Indo-Lanka Accord | 29/07/1987 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran | Inter-State | Security Council Resolution 598: Iraq-Islamic Republic of Iran | 20/07/1987 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Philippines | Intra-State | Jeddah Accord | 04/01/1987 | English |
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