Peace Agreements
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This MSU database provides peacemaking professionals with close to 1,300 documents that can be understood broadly as peace agreements. Users can access the full texts of the agreements in different languages and using search criteria below, including by country/region, year and type of conflict.
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Region | Country / Entity | Conflict Type | Agreement Title | Date | Language |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Memorandum of Settlement (Mizoram Accord) | 30/06/1986 | English |
The Americas | Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua | Intra-State, Regional | Esquipulas Declaration (Esquipulas I) | 25/05/1986 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish |
North America | El Salvador, Honduras | Inter-State | Agreement to submit the frontier dispute concerning land, islands and maritime areas between the two States to a decision of the International Court of Justice | 24/05/1986 | English |
Africa | Sudan | Intra-State | Koka Dam Declaration | 24/03/1986 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo de Prolongación de la Tregua | 02/03/1986 | Spanish |
North America | El Salvador, Honduras | Inter-State | Agreement setting up a Special Commission for the demarcation of the frontier line between El Salvador and Honduras pursuant to the General Peace Treaty of 30 October 1980 | 11/02/1986 | English |
Africa | Uganda | Intra-State | Uganda Peace Talks Agreement for the Restoration of Peace to the Sovereign State of the Republic of Uganda | 17/12/1985 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo entre la Comisión de Paz, Diálogo y Verificación y los Destacamentos Simón Bolívar y Antonio Nariño del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) | 09/12/1985 | Spanish |
Europe | Ireland, United Kingdom | Inter-State | Anglo-Irish Agreement | 15/11/1985 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Assam Accord | 15/08/1985 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Memorandum of Settlement on Punjab | 24/07/1985 | English |
The Americas | Nicaragua | Intra-State | Bogota Accord | 09/12/1984 | English |
South America | Argentina, Chile | Inter-State | Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Chile and Argentina | 29/11/1984 | English |
Africa | Mozambique | Intra-State | Joint Declaration on a Cessation of Armed Activity and Conflict | 03/10/1984 | English |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdo entre el Gobierno y el Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19) y el Partido Comunista De Colombia (M-L) y su organización guerrillera, Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) (Acuerdos de Corinto) | 24/08/1984 | Spanish |
The Americas | Colombia | Intra-State | Acuerdos de la Uribe | 28/03/1984 | Spanish |
Africa | Mozambique, South Africa | Intra-State, Regional | Agreement on Non-Aggression and Good Neighbourliness between Mozambique and South Africa (Nkomati Talks) | 16/03/1984 | English |
The Americas | Argentina, Chile | Inter-State | Declaración conjunta de Paz y Amistad | 24/01/1984 | Spanish |
South America | Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama | Intra-State, Regional | Declaración de Contadora | 09/01/1983 | Spanish |
Africa | Namibia | Intra-State | Principles concerning the Constituent Assembly and the Constitution for an Independent Namibia | 12/07/1982 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Ecuador, Peru | Inter-State | Notas Reversales sobre el Conflicto de Paquisha | 05/03/1981 | Spanish |
The Americas | El Salvador, Honduras | Inter-State | General Peace Treaty between the Republics of El Salvador and Honduras | 17/04/1980 | English, French, Spanish |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Decolonisation | Lancaster House Agreement | 21/12/1979 | English |
Africa | Mauritania, Western Sahara | Decolonisation | Mauretanio-Sahraoui Agreement (Algiers Agreement) | 10/08/1979 | Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Yemen | Regional | Joint Declaration issued by the Presidents of the two parts of Yemen (Kuwait Agreement) | 30/03/1979 | English, French |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Egypt | Inter-State | Peace Treaty Between the State of Israel and the Arab Republic of Egypt | 26/03/1979 | English |
Africa | Namibia | Intra-State | Security Council Resolution 435 (1978): Namibia | 29/09/1978 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Egypt, Israel | Inter-State | Framework for Peace in the Middle East and Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel (Camp David Accords) | 17/09/1978 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Philippines | Intra-State | Tripoli Agreement | 23/12/1976 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Record between Iran and Iraq (June 1976) | 22/06/1976 | English |
Africa | Western Sahara, Mauritania, Morocco | Decolonisation, Inter-State | Convention concerning the State frontier line established between Mauritania and Morocco (Rabat Agreement) | 14/04/1976 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Supplementary Agreement for the Implementation of Clause II of the Shillong Accord | 05/01/1976 | English | |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Record between Iran and Iraq (December 1975) [No.2] | 26/12/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Addendum to the Treaty Concerning the State Frontier and Neighbourly Relations | 26/12/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Record between Iran and Iraq (December 1975) [No.1] | 26/12/1975 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran | Inter-State | Agreement concerning the Rules Governing Navigation on the Shatt al'Arab | 26/12/1975 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran | Inter-State | Agreement concerning Frontier Commissioners | 26/12/1975 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran | Inter-State | Agreement concerning the Use of Frontier Water Courses | 26/12/1975 | English |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Intra-State | Declaration of Intention to Negotiate a Settlement | 01/12/1975 | English |
Africa | Mauritania, Morocco, Spain | Inter-State | Declaration of Principles on Western Sahara (Madrid Accords) | 14/11/1975 | English, French, Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Shillong Agreement between the Government of India and the Underground Nagas | 11/11/1975 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Egypt, Israel | Inter-State | Interim Agreement between Israel and Egypt (Sinai II) | 04/09/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Protocol Concerning the Redemarcation of the Land Frontier between Iran and Iraq | 13/06/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Treaty Concerning the State Frontier and Neighbourly Relations | 13/06/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Record between Iran, Algeria and Iraq (May 1975) | 20/05/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Record between Iran, Algeria and Iraq (April 1975) | 20/04/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Protocol to the Joint Iranian-Iraqi Communiqué (Tehran Protocol) | 17/03/1975 | English |
Asia | Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq | Inter-State | Joint Iranian-Iraqi Communiqué (Algiers Agreement) | 06/03/1975 | English |
Africa | Mozambique | Decolonisation | Agreement between the Portuguese State and the Mozambique Liberation State | 07/09/1974 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Syria | Regional | Separation of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria | 31/05/1974 | English |
Asia | Bangladesh | Intra-State | Agreement on the Repatriation of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees | 09/04/1974 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Egypt, Israel | Inter-State | Egyptian - Israeli Agreement on Disengagement of Forces in Pursuance of the Geneva Peace Conference (Sinai I) | 18/01/1974 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Europe | United Kingdom (UK), Ireland | Intra-State | The Sunningdale Agreement | 09/12/1973 | English |
Asia | Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria | Regional | United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 (1973) on cease-fire in the Middle East | 22/10/1973 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria | Regional | Security Council Resolution 338: Ceasefire in the Middle East | 22/10/1973 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Asia | Bangladesh | Intra-State | Agreement between The Government of India and The Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan regarding Repatriation of Persons | 28/08/1973 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Intra-State | Vientiane Ceasefire Agreement | 21/02/1973 | English |
Asia | Vietnam, United States (US) | Inter-State, Intra-State | Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam | 27/01/1973 | English |
Asia | China, Japan | Inter-State | Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China | 29/09/1972 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea | Inter-State | The July 4 South-North Joint Communiqué | 04/07/1972 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Bilateral Relations (Simla Agreement) | 02/07/1972 | English |
Africa | Sudan | Intra-State | Addis Ababa Agreement on the Problem of South Sudan | 27/02/1972 | English |
The Americas | Guyana, United Kingdom, Venezuela | Inter-State | Protocol to the Agreement to resolve the controversy between Venezuela and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland over the frontier between Venezuela and British Guiana (Protocol of Port of Spain) | 18/06/1970 | Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria | Regional | Security Council Resolution 242: The Situation in the Middle East | 22/11/1967 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
The Americas | Guyana, United Kingdom, Venezuela | Inter-State | Agreement to Resolve the Controversy over the Frontier between Venezuela and British Guiana (Geneva Agreement) | 17/02/1966 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Tashkent Declaration | 10/01/1966 | English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Security Council Resolution 211: The India-Pakistan Question | 20/09/1965 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between India and Pakistan Relating to Ceasefire and the Restoration of the Status Quo in the Gujarat-West Pakistan Border | 30/06/1965 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Sri Lanka | Intra-State | Dudley Senanayake-Chelvanayakam Pact | 24/03/1965 | English |
Europe | Cyprus | Inter-State, Intra-State | Security Council Resolution 186: The Cyprus Question | 04/03/1964 | Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Middle East & West Asia | Iraq, Kuwait | Inter-State | Agreed Minutes between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq Regarding the Restoration of Friendly Relations, Recognition and Related Matters | 04/10/1963 | English, French |
Asia & the Pacific | Indonesia, Netherlands | Inter-State | Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands Concerning West New Guinea (New York Agreement) | 15/08/1962 | English, French |
Africa, Europe | Algeria, France | Decolonisation | Accord de cessez-le-feu en Algérie et déclarations gouvernementales du 19 mars relatives à l’Algérie (Accords d’Evian) | 19/03/1962 | French |
Europe | Cyprus, Greece, Türkiye | Inter-State | Treaty of Alliance | 16/08/1960 | English |
Europe | Cyprus, Greece, Türkiye, United Kingdom | Inter-State | Treaty of Guarantee | 16/08/1960 | English |
Europe | Cyprus, Greece, United Kingdom, Türkiye | Inter-State | Treaty Concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus (Treaty of Nicosia) | 16/08/1960 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | The 16 Point Agreement between the Government of India and the Naga People’s Convention | 26/07/1960 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between India and Pakistan Regarding Procedures to End Disputes and Incidents along the Indo-West Pakistan Border Areas | 11/01/1960 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between Governments of India and Pakistan Regarding Procedures to End Disputes and Incidents along the Indo-East Pakistan Border Areas | 23/10/1959 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between India and Pakistan on Border Disputes (East Pakistan) | 10/09/1958 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Sri Lanka | Intra-State | Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact | 26/07/1957 | English |
Asia | Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Vietnam | Inter-State, Regional | Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference on the Problem of Restoring Peace in Indo-China | 21/07/1954 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Vietnam | Regional | Geneva Agreements | 20/07/1954 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea | Inter-State | Agreement Concerning a Military Armistice in Korea | 27/07/1953 | English, French, Russian, Spanish |
Asia | India, Pakistan | Intra-State, Inter-State | Agreement between the Governments of India and Pakistan regarding Security and Rights of Minorities (Nehru-Liaquat Agreement) | 08/04/1950 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India, Pakistan | Inter-State | Agreement between Military Representatives of India and Pakistan Regarding the Establishment of a Ceasefire Line in the State of Jammu and Kashmir (Karachi Agreement) | 27/07/1949 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Syria | Inter-State | Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement | 20/07/1949 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Jordan | Inter-State | Hashemite Jordan Kingdom-Israel General Armistice Agreement | 03/04/1949 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Israel, Lebanon | Inter-State | Israeli-Lebanese General Armistice Agreement | 23/03/1949 | English, French |
Middle East & West Asia | Egypt, Israel | Inter-State | Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement | 24/02/1949 | English |
Asia | Israel, Egypt | Inter-State | Egyptian-Israeli General Cease-Fire Agreement | 24/01/1949 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | India | Intra-State | Naga-Akbar Hydari Accord (Nine Point Agreement) | 28/06/1947 | English |
Asia & the Pacific | Myanmar | Intra-State | Panglong Agreement | 12/02/1947 | English |
The Americas | Ecuador, Peru | Inter-State | Peace, Friendship, and Boundaries between Peru and Ecuador (Rio Protocol) | 29/01/1942 | English |
Middle East & West Asia | Saudi Arabia, Yemen | Inter-State | Treaty of Islamic friendship and Arab brotherhood (Treaty of Taif) | 20/05/1934 | English |
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