تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Summary Report on the Status of the Constitution-making Process in Iraq and UNAMI/OCS Support Thereto

This report prepared by UNAMI’s Office for Constitutional Support (OCS) provides a summary of activities in support of the Iraqi constitution-making body, as well as targets and current status to meeting those targets. The document also includes the following annexes: 1) Memorandum on the ‘Post-draft Constitution Strategy’, 2) Needs Assessment for Regional Outreach, 3) Neutrality Framework and Guidelines for Funding Projects, 4) Audit of the Constitution Indicating the Laws and Institutions that Need to be Established, 5) Plan for Regional Outreach, and 6) Staffing Requirements for the OCS. 
Confidentiality Provision: This document is confidential and intended solely for the use of United Nations staff. The document should not be reproduced or distributed to any person outside the United Nations.

Keywords  International Advice/Support,  Organigram,  Personnel/Staff,  Funding,  Outreach,  Civic Education (Work Plan/Action Plan),  Strategic Planning,  United Nations Development Programme/UNDP,  UNAMI,  Special Political Missions/SPMs
Country / Territory  Iraq
Work Plans & Timelines
Civic Education
Work Plans
Public Consultations/Outreach
Work Plans
UN Project Documents
UN Strategic Planning
Role of International Adviser
All Process