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This section contains UN guidance and policy material for setting up and managing mediation initiatives. The material provides practitioners with practical advice and options in addressing some of the key challenges and thematic areas in mediation to maximize the chances for success.

United Nations Guidance Documents

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

The Guidance is designed to support United Nations senior leader- ship and staff, mediators, and facilitators within and outside the UN, along with their teams, conflict parties, representatives of States and regional organizations, national and international non-governmental organizations, women’s groups and other stakeholders in peace processes.

Policy and Practice Notes and Occasional Papers

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

This practice note, a DPPA-OHCHR collaboration, delves into practical strategies and real-world examples to help mediators and human rights practitioners weave human rights principles and considerations into their work in general and in every step of mediation efforts specifically. The note shows that human rights offer practical solutions to many of the challenging issues that mediators try to address.

United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Climate change effects are felt in every corner of the world and can affect conflicts in different ways. They can be a source of conflict, a multiplier of existing risks, or an opportunity for manipulation by conflict parties. Building on DPPA’s broader efforts to address the complex linkages between climate, peace and security, this note aims to provide guidance to mediation practitioners operating in climate exposed and fragile contexts. It explores the opportunities and challenges of incorporating climate change considerations into peace processes and presents concrete measures to be taken.